Parts of body in Greek

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The Greek word “
Γλωσσα”, which in Spanish means “lengua”, has as derived words in Spanish as "glosario" and "glosar". The English term means tongue and from the Greek in English as glossary and glossarist.

The Greek word “
θρίζ, τριχός", which in Spanish means “pelo”, has as derived words in Spanish as "tricofagia" and "tricotilomanía". The English term means hair and from the Greek in English as trichophagia.

The Greek word “
Κεφαλη”, which in Spanish means “cabeza”, has as derived words in Spanish as "cefalea" and "cefalotórax". The English term means head and from the Greek in English as migraine and cephalothorax.

The Greek word “
Κάρα, καρήτος”,which in Spanish means “cara”, has as derived words in Spanish as "encaramarse" and "encarar". The English term means face and from the Greek in English as faced.

The Greek word “
Μέτωπον”, which in spanish means “frente”, has as derived words in Spanish as "metopa". The English term means forehead.

The Greek word “
Γένυς”, which in Spanish means “mandíbula” hasn’t got derived words. The English term means jaw.

The Greek word “’O
δους , όδόντος”, which in Spanish means “diente”, has as derived words in Spanish as "odontólogo" and "odontología". The English term means tooth and from the Greek in English as odontologist and odontology.

The Greek word “
ούςμ, ώτός”, which in Spanish means “oreja”, has as derived words in Spanish as "otólogo" and "otología". The English term means ear and from the Greek in English as otologist or otology.

The Greek word “
Οφταλμός”, which in Spanish means “ojo”, has as derived words in Spanish as "oftalmólogo" u "oftalmología". The English term means eye and from the Greek in English as ophtholmologist or ophtalmology.

The Greek word “
Ρίς, ρινός”, which in Spanish means “nariz” hasn’t got derived words. The English term means nose.

The Greek word “
Τράχηλος”, which in Spanish means “cuello” hasn’t got derived words. The English term means neck.


The Greek word “
θώραζ, τάκος”, which in Spanish means “tronco”, has as derived words in Spanish as "torácico" and "neumotórax". The English term means thorax and from the Greek in English as thoracic o neumothorax.

The Greek word “
Καρδία”, which in Spanish means “corazón”, has as derived words in Spanish as "cardiografía" and "cardiólogo". The English term means heart and from the Greek in English as cardiologist or cardiograph.

The Greek word “O
μφαλός”, which in Spanish means “ombligo”, has as derived words in Spanish as "onfalocele" and "onfalotomo". The English term means navel and from the Greek in English as omphalos or omphalmele.

The Greek word "
Πήχυς”, which in Spanish means “codo”, hasn’t got derived words in Spanish.

The Greek word “
Πλευρά”, which in Spanish means “pleura”, has as derived words in Spanish as "pleuritis" and "pleuresía". The English term means pleura and from the Greek in English as pleuritis and pleurisy.

The Greek word “
Ράχις”, which in Spanish means “espalda”, has as derived words in Spanish as "raquitismo" and "raquitalgia". The English term means back and from the Greek in English as rickets or rachitalgia.

The Greek word “
Στόμα, στομάτος”, which in Spanish means “estómago”, has as derived words in Spanish as "estomatólogo". The English term means stomach.

The Greek word “
Ωμος”, which in Spanish means “hombro”, has as derived words in Spanish as "omoplato". The English term means shoulder and from the Greek in English as capula.


The Greek word “
Βραχίων”, which in Spanish means “brazo”, has as derived words in Spanish as "brazalete" and "brazada". The English term means arm and from the Greek in English as armband or armful.

The Greek word “
Γόνυ, γόνατος”, which in Spanish means “rodilla”, hasn’t got derived words. The English term means knee.

The Greek word “
Δάκτυλος”, which in Spanish means “dedo”, has as derived words in Spanish as "dactilar" and "dactilografía". The English term means finger and from the Greek in English as dactylography.

The Greek word “
Ονυζ, ονυχος”, which in Spanish means “uña”, has as derived words in Spanish as "onicofagia" and "onicomicosis". The English term means nail and from the Greek in English as onychophagia or onychomicosis.

The Greek word “
Οστέον”, which in Spanish means “hueso”, has as derived words in Spanish as "osteopático" y "ostomatía". The English term means bone and from the Greek in English as osteopathy.

The Greek word “
Μηρίον”, which in Spanish means “muslos”, hasn’t got derived words in Spanish. The English term means thigh.

The Greek word “
Πούς, ποδός”, which in Spanish means “pie”, has as derived words in Spanish as "podología" and "podólogo". The English term means foot and from the Greek in English as podology and chiropodist.

The Greek word “
Πτέρνα”, which in Spanish means “talón”, hasn’t got derived words.The english word mince heel.

The Greek word “
Σκέλος”, which in Spanish means “pierna”, hasn’t got derived words.The english word mince leg.

The Greek word “
Χέιρ, χειρός”, which in Spanish means “mano”, has as derived words in Spanish as "quirúrgico" and "quirófano". The English term means hand and from the Greek in English as surgical.

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