The argon is a chemical element of atomic number 18 and symbol Ar. It is the third party and inert of the rare, colorless gases as them, constitutes concerning 1 % of the air.

Henry Cavendish, in 1785, exposed a sample of nitrogen to electrical unloads repeated in presence of oxygen to form oxide of nitrogen that later it was eliminating and thought that about 1 % of the original gas could not dissolve, affirming then that not all the " air flogisticado " was a nitrogen.

In 1892 Lord Rayleigh discovered that the atmospheric nitrogen had a major density that the pure nitrogen obtained from the saltpeter. Did Rayleigh and William Ramsay demonstrate that the difference owed to itself to the presence of the second gas little reagent heavier than the nitrogen, announcing the discovery of the argon (from the Greek to?? Ó?, Argus, inactive, vague or lazy) in 1894, it announced that it was received by enough skepticism by the scientific community.

In 1904 Rayleigh it received the prize Nobel prize of Physics for his investigations brings over of the density of the most important gases and the discovery of the existence of the argon.

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