It is the planet most near the Sun. It is the smallest of the principal planets of the Solar System and does not possess any satellite. It was discovered for Galilean in the 17th century.
In the Roman mythology, Mercury (in Latin Mercurius) was an important god of the trade. His name is related to the Latin word merx ('goods'). In his more primitive forms it was related to the Etruscan deity Turms, but the majority of his characteristics were taken of the Greek god Hermes.

The legend of Mercury

He was a son of Zeus and Maya, the smallest of the pleiads. It was born in a cavern of the mount Cileno, to the south of Arcady. Maya had conceived it for Zeus's work in full night. Hermes came to the world the fourth day of the month, and he still had this day consecrated. His birth was normal but already it was giving samples of an extraordinary precociousness: it managed to come untied of the bands with which the newborn children were wrapped and to escape up to Tesalia, where his brother Apolo was looking after a few flocks.While Apollo, distracted, was neglecting his duties of shepherd, Hermes stole part of the cattle from him. Then, tying a branch to the tail of each one of the animals, one took them crossing Greece, up to Pilos's cavern. There, it sacrificed two, dividing them in twelve parts, one for each of twelve gods. Then, after concealing the rest of the flock, he fled to his cave of the Cileno. On having come to her he found in the entry a tortoise; that emptied, and tesó on the cavity of the shell a few ropes made with the intestines of the sacrificed oxen; this way the first lira remained constructe. Meanwhile, Apollo was walking looking for his beasts throughout. It was said also that it had verified the whole history thanks to his divinatory art, observing the flight of the birds. It moved then to the mount Cileno and complained to Maya of the thefts; but Maya showed to the child, wrapped in his diapers, and asked him how it was possible that profiriese against him a similar accusation. Apollo at the time needed Zeus's presence, which ordered the child to return the stolen animals, in spite of his protests of innocence. Nevertheless, Apollo had seen the lira in the cave of the Cileno, and when he listened, the sounds proceeding from she, it changed it into his cattle. Later, Hermes, guarding the flocks that he had acquired, invented the flute. Apollo wanted to buy him this new instrument and offered him in payment the golden walking-stick that it was using to guard the herds. Hermes asked him, in addition, for lessons of divinatory art. Apollo accepted the treatment, and of here that the golden rod figures between the attributes to Hermes. Zeus satisfied of the skill and activity of his last son, his herald named it, dedicating it to his personal service and to that of Hades and Persefone.

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