Neptune is the eighth planet of the Solar System. It forms a part of the exterior planets called or gaseous giants, and is the first one that was discovered thanks to mathematical predictions. His temperature in the surface is of-218 °C (55 K). Also it possesses thirteen moons, most known and that of major size is Newt. Also it is Poseidon in Greece and God of the sea means. It forms a part of the big Olympian gods, son of Saturn, brother of Jupiter and of Pluto. Often bulls sacrifice themselves him and it has reputation of being a roughrider. Together with his wife, the sea-nymph Anfítrite, it had a son called Newt. He is also the father of Polifemo, Crisaor and Pegasus.

The legend of Neptune

Neptune chose the sea as mansion and in his depths there exists a kingdom of golden castles. With his powerful trident it was waving the waves, was making sprout sources and springs where it wants and was channelling his anger provoking terrible earthquakes. He was the god who was supporting the planet in which we live, because the ocean was surrounding the Earth and it was evident that he from the seas, he was supporting the weight of the firm land. In addition, Neptune had given form to the coasts, had started chunks of mountains to form the cliffs or the hand had happened for the littoral to leave soft beaches and sheltered bays in which the ships were finding refuge.
Because of it, apart sirens stopped to his side traitresses, to the incomparable sea-nymphs, to the beautiful naiads and to the powerful newts, Neptune was gentleman of the nymphs, undines and naiads of the lakes, of the rivers, of the sources, all of them were a part of his court and owed obedience to him for being a part of the aquatic
Poseidon plays a role importantly in many Greek myths like when it disputed with Atenea the control of Athens. Also there helped close to Apollo to construct the wall of the city of Troy in defense of the king Laomedonte but this one, refused to pay the been convenient salary and Poseidon I send to Troy a terrible marine monster that devastated the city, extending his hatred up to the war of Troy, when it put next to the Greeks.

Poseidon is represented by beard and a majestic figure. It is accompanied of a trident and often also of a dolphin. It can be mounted in a dashing car thrown by strange beings marine and surrounded by the ne
wts who announce his arrival with a musical instrument of strong sound.


It is the planet most near the Sun. It is the smallest of the principal planets of the Solar System and does not possess any satellite. It was discovered for Galilean in the 17th century.
In the Roman mythology, Mercury (in Latin Mercurius) was an important god of the trade. His name is related to the Latin word merx ('goods'). In his more primitive forms it was related to the Etruscan deity Turms, but the majority of his characteristics were taken of the Greek god Hermes.

The legend of Mercury

He was a son of Zeus and Maya, the smallest of the pleiads. It was born in a cavern of the mount Cileno, to the south of Arcady. Maya had conceived it for Zeus's work in full night. Hermes came to the world the fourth day of the month, and he still had this day consecrated. His birth was normal but already it was giving samples of an extraordinary precociousness: it managed to come untied of the bands with which the newborn children were wrapped and to escape up to Tesalia, where his brother Apolo was looking after a few flocks.While Apollo, distracted, was neglecting his duties of shepherd, Hermes stole part of the cattle from him. Then, tying a branch to the tail of each one of the animals, one took them crossing Greece, up to Pilos's cavern. There, it sacrificed two, dividing them in twelve parts, one for each of twelve gods. Then, after concealing the rest of the flock, he fled to his cave of the Cileno. On having come to her he found in the entry a tortoise; that emptied, and tesó on the cavity of the shell a few ropes made with the intestines of the sacrificed oxen; this way the first lira remained constructe. Meanwhile, Apollo was walking looking for his beasts throughout. It was said also that it had verified the whole history thanks to his divinatory art, observing the flight of the birds. It moved then to the mount Cileno and complained to Maya of the thefts; but Maya showed to the child, wrapped in his diapers, and asked him how it was possible that profiriese against him a similar accusation. Apollo at the time needed Zeus's presence, which ordered the child to return the stolen animals, in spite of his protests of innocence. Nevertheless, Apollo had seen the lira in the cave of the Cileno, and when he listened, the sounds proceeding from she, it changed it into his cattle. Later, Hermes, guarding the flocks that he had acquired, invented the flute. Apollo wanted to buy him this new instrument and offered him in payment the golden walking-stick that it was using to guard the herds. Hermes asked him, in addition, for lessons of divinatory art. Apollo accepted the treatment, and of here that the golden rod figures between the attributes to Hermes. Zeus satisfied of the skill and activity of his last son, his herald named it, dedicating it to his personal service and to that of Hades and Persefone.


Uranus is the seventh planet of the Solar System, the third party in size, and the most massive quarter. The principal characteristic of Uranus is the inclination of his axis of rotation of almost ninety degrees with regard to his orbit. Uranus possesses the most uniform surface of all the planets for his characteristic blue - greenish color produced by the combination of present gases in his atmosphere and has a system of rings that cannot be observed to simple sight.

The legend of Uranus

In the classic mythology, Uranus is the basic god of the sky. In the Greek mythology,it was personified as son and husband of Gea, the Mother. Uranus was retaining his children in the bosom of his mother when they were on the verge of being born. Gea thought a plan to avenge the affront: it carved a diamond sickle and asked his children for help. Alone Stopwatch, the minor of them, was ready to expire with his obligation, caught to his father when it was lying with his mother, and gelded it with the sickle, throwing the genitalia after him.
On having splashed the blood, Gea gathered her, and from her there arose the Giants, the Erinias, the Melias.
The genitalia of Uranus produced a foam of which Aphrodite was born.
Uranus predicted that the titans would take a just punishment as his crime, anticipating Zeus's victory on Stopwatch.


The copper (of the Latin CUPRUM, and this one of the Greek Kýpros), whose symbol is Cu, is the chemical element of atomic number 29. It is a question of a metal of transition of reddish color and I shine. Thanks to his high electrical conductivity, ductility and malleability, it has turned into the material most used to make electrical cables and other electrical and electronic components. His name comes from Cyprus.
The copper is one of few metals that they can find in the nature in "native" condition, that is to say, without combining with other elements. For it he was one of the first ones in being used by the human being.
They have found utensils of native copper of concerning 7000 B.C. in Çayönü Tepesí (in the current Turkey) and in Iraq.

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The germanium is a chemical element with atomic number 32, and symbol Ge belonging to the group 4 of the periodic table of the elements.
It is a solid hard, crystalline metal, of white greyish glossy and fragile color. He presents the same crystalline structure that the diamond and it resists to the acids. The germanium is very distributed in the terrestrial bark The properties of the germanium (of the Latin Slang, Germany) they were predicted in 1871 by Mendeleyev depending on his position in the periodic table. The German Clemens Winkler demonstrated in 1886 the existence of this element.
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The chlorine is a chemical element of atomic placed number 17 in the group of the halogens of the periodic table of the elements. His symbol is A Cl.
The chlorine (of the Greek χλωρος, that it means " yellow greenish ") was discovered in his form biatómica in 1774 by the Swedish Carl Wilhelm Scheele, though the first electrolytic process for the production of chlorine was patented in 1851 by Charles Watt in Great Britain. In 1810 the chemical Englishman Humphry Davy demonstrates that it is a question of a chemical element and gives the name of chlorine due to his color.
It is a toxic yellow - greenish gas formed by molecules biatómicas.

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The lutecio is a chemical element of atomic number 71 which chemical symbol is Lu. His name comes from the former name of the city of Paris, in Latin, Lutetia.

The lutecio is a trivalent metal of white color silvering resistant to the corrosion and relatively stablly in air presence. It is the heaviest and hard element of all the rare lands.

The lutecio, was discovered of independent form in 1907 by the French scientist Georges Urbain and the mineralogist Carol Auer von Welsbach.

The metal is a silver and relatively stable white in the air. The pure metal lutecio has been isolated only in the recent years and is one of the most difficult to prepare.

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The bromine is a chemical element of atomic placed number 35 in the group of the halogens of the periodic table of the elements. His symbol is Br and comes from the Greek as bromines, stink.
It was discovered in 1826 by Antoine-Jérôme Balard, but it was not obtained in important quantities until 1860.
The bromine to temperature environment is a red, volatile and dense liquid. His reactivity is intermediate between the chlorine and the iodine.
This chemical element comes from Greek and means bromines, stink.
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The helium is a chemical element of atomic number 2, symbol. Him one places in the group 18 of the periodic table of the elements. He presents the properties of a rare gas.

During a solar eclipse in 1868, the French astronomer Pierre Janssen observed a spectral yellow line in the solar light that up to this moment was not known. Norman Lockyer observed the same eclipse and proposed that the above mentioned line was produced by a new element, to which it called helium, with which, both to Lockyer and to Janssen they there was awarded the discovery of this element.
The helium uses in cryogenics and in the refrigeration of magnets superconductors.
The helium is the most light second element and the second most abundant in the universe.
In normal conditions of pressure and temperature the helium is a not inflammable gas.

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The beryllium is a chemical element of symbol Be and atomic number 4. It is an element alcalinotérreo, emerald of green, hard, light and fragile color. It uses principally as stiffener in alloys, specially of copper.
The beryllium (of the Greek βερυλλoς Beryl) or glucinio (of the Englishman glucinium and this one of the Greek γλυκυς, sweet) for the flavor of his you go out, it was discovered by Vauquelin in 1798 in the shape of oxide in the beryl and the emerald. Friedrich Wöhler and A. A. Bussy of independent form isolated the metal in 1828 by means of reaction of potassium with chloride of beryllium.
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The hydrogen is a chemical element represented by the symbol H and with an atomic number of 1.
Of the Latin "hydrogenium", and this one of the ancient Greek ὕδωρ (Hydor): "does" "it" "water down" and γένος-ου (Genos): "generator". " Water generator ".
The hydrogen was obtained by the first time by Paracelso, obtained it artificially but it was not conscious that was producing another chemical new element, afterwards Boyle it of re-discovered and saw that hydrogen was taking place. Information obtained of


It is a chemical element which chemical symbol is Or and his atomic number is 92. His name comes from the planet Uranus. It was discovered in 1789 by M. H. Klaproth that it called this way in honor of the planet Uranus that had just been an overdraft in 1781. It decides to put the name of the above mentioned planet to the mineral, because of it the metal that is obtained of him, he will be known like "uranium" (that comes from the Latin) that will give the Spanish uranium, beginning here the astronomic nomenclature of the chemical elements.
His previous symbol was Ur.

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It is a chemical elemnto whose symbol is HG .Debe his name to the planet of the same name, which is the first planet of the solar system.

Due to a water plant, called Hydrágiros (of the Greek)

Hydrágiros was meaning water of silver, or liquid silver. It is weighed and capablly of flowing and running, since it was not spreading as the water.

Teofrasto explains another way of obtaining mercury, revealing cinnabar with iron.

The Romans started using it (they were calling her Argentum Vivum). In the Middle Ages there begin to be identified the adverse effects of the use of mercury.

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The nitrogen is a chemical element of atomic number 7, symbol N. The nitrogen (of the Latin nitrum-i and this one of the Greek νίτρον "saltpeter", and-geno, of the Greek γεν--, "to "generate") thinks that it was discovered formally by Daniel Rutherford in 1772 on having announced some of his properties.
The nitrogen is a gas so inert that Lavoisier was referring to him as scourge (nitrogen) that it means without life. It qualified between the permanent gases, especially since Faraday it was not managing to see liquid to 50 atm and-110 °C, up to the experiments of Pictet and Cailletet that in 1877 managed to liquefy it. The compounds of nitrogen already were known in the Middle Ages; this way, the alchemists were calling aqua fortis to the nitric acid and aqua royal (royal water) to the mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acid, known by his aptitude to dissolve the gold.
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The argon is a chemical element of atomic number 18 and symbol Ar. It is the third party and inert of the rare, colorless gases as them, constitutes concerning 1 % of the air.

Henry Cavendish, in 1785, exposed a sample of nitrogen to electrical unloads repeated in presence of oxygen to form oxide of nitrogen that later it was eliminating and thought that about 1 % of the original gas could not dissolve, affirming then that not all the " air flogisticado " was a nitrogen.

In 1892 Lord Rayleigh discovered that the atmospheric nitrogen had a major density that the pure nitrogen obtained from the saltpeter. Did Rayleigh and William Ramsay demonstrate that the difference owed to itself to the presence of the second gas little reagent heavier than the nitrogen, announcing the discovery of the argon (from the Greek to?? Ó?, Argus, inactive, vague or lazy) in 1894, it announced that it was received by enough skepticism by the scientific community.

In 1904 Rayleigh it received the prize Nobel prize of Physics for his investigations brings over of the density of the most important gases and the discovery of the existence of the argon.

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The oxygen is a chemical element of atomic number 8 and symbol Or.
Traditionally this discovery has been attributed to the chemist Englishman Joseph Priestley (1733-1804), who discovered it in an independent way in 1772, though the first one that published a work on this gas and him gave name he was the chemical Frenchman Lavoisier (1743-1794) in 1777. Did it use for it two Greek ὀξύς (Oxýs) (acid, "literally "sharp", for the flavor of the acids) -γενής (-genes) generator, which it generates "), because he believed that the oxygen was the indispensable constituent one of the acids.
The oxygen is the most abundant third element in the Sun, and plays a role in the cycle of the carbon - nitrogen, a process responsible for the production of stellar energy.
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Urano es el séptimo planeta del Sistema Solar, el tercero en tamaño, y el cuarto más masivo. La principal característica de Urano es la inclinación de su eje de rotación de casi noventa grados respecto a su órbita. Urano posee la superficie más uniforme de todos los planetas por su característico color azul-verdoso, producido por la combinación de gases presentes en su atmósfera y tiene un sistema de anillos que no se pueden observar a simple vista.

La leyenda de Urano

En la mitología clásica, Urano es el dios primordial del cielo. En la mitología griega era personificado como hijo y esposo de Gea, la Madre Tierra.

Urano retenía a sus hijos en el seno de su madre cuando estaban a punto de nacer. Gea urdió un plan para vengar el ultraje: talló una hoz de diamante y pidió ayuda a sus hijos. Solo Crono, el menor de ellos, estuvo dispuesto a cumplir con su obligación, emboscó a su padre cuando yacía con su madre, y lo castró con la hoz, arrojando los genitales tras él.
Al salpicar la sangre, Gea la recogió, y de ella surgieron los Gigantes, las Erinias, las Melias. Los genitales de Urano produjeron una espuma de la que nació Afrodita.
Urano vaticinó que los titanes tendrían un castigo justo por su crimen, anticipando la victoria de Zeus sobre Crono.


The neptunio is a synthetic element of the periodic table which symbol is Np and his atomic number is 93. It comes from the planet of the same name. The neptunio is a radioactive metal of the "rare" lands and has at least 3 allotropic forms. Quarter of the family of the actínidos or the second period of transition hospitalizes of the periodic system of the elements.
It was obtained by the first time in 1940 by McMillan and Abelson bombarding uranium with deuterones with great speed. The isotope 237 has been found, in very small quantities, in mines of uranium.
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The chrome is a chemical element of atomic number 24 that is in the group 6 of the periodic table of the elements. His symbol is Cr. It is a metal, hardly, fragile, steely and brilliant grey. Of the Greek khroma, color, for the usefulness that the combinations of the chrome have in painting. Siberia red of lead (crocoíta) is a mineral of chrome estimated as a red pigment for paintings of oil. Emerald is Beryl's form (a silicate of aluminium, beryllium), which is of green color due to the incorporation of a bit of chrome in the network crytal Beryl instead of some of the ions of aluminium.

It was discovered by Vaughlin in 1797.

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The plutonium is the second element of the series of the actínidos in being an overdraft. His atomic number is 94. For the present of major importance it is the isotope 239 Pu, which has an average life of more than 20000 years. It is a metallic radioactive element that is in use in reactors and nuclear weapon. It is one of the elements transuránicos of the group of the actínidos of the periodic system. His name derives from the Roman god of the hells, Pluto (mythology).
The isotopes of the plutonium were prepared and studied by the first time by the American chemist Glenn T. Seaborg and his companions of the University of California in Berkeley, in 1940. They have found minor quantities of the element in the mines of uranium, but at present relatively big quantities of plutonium are prepared in the nuclear reactors.
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