Pluto is a dwarf planet in the solar system, which is part of a double planetary system
ith its satellite Charon. In the General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) held in Prague on August 24, 2006 created a new category called plutoid, which includes Pluto.
Pluto (Pluto Latin, ancient Greek Πλούτων "Plouton" ) was the god of the underworld. In contrast to Hades, was also the god of the treasures of the earth, both of crops and minerals that were below the surface. Saturn and Pluto was hijode Rea, and husband of Persephone, who abducted her to marry her.

The legend of Pluto

Pluto is the fruit of the union between Saturn (Cronus) and Ops (Rhea). The best known part of his story is one in which abducted Proserpina (Persephone), daughter of Ceres (Demeter), goddess his sister, and becomes his wife.
They say that Ceres, filled with pain, ran to their father, Saturn, asking him to intercede with God and give him back his daughter. So immense was the pain of the goddess of fertility and crops that are completely forgot to bless the land and it almost came to dry causing a famine among mortals. Then Saturn had no choice but to intervene.
But Pluto could not let go, just like that, to his beloved Proserpina so I did eat pomegranate seeds, poisonous seeds, so he could not return to the world of the living. The only possible solution was to share the company of pretty young. He would spend six months with her mother, the months of spring and summer when everything is born and flourishes, and the other six months in hell, the fall and winter, those in which nature is withered and sleeps in Pending the return of fertility stations. Pluto lived in Tartarus, which was under the entrance to the underworld, and there received and judged with a heavy hand the sad shadows of the bystanders ended due to his bad deeds in life. If the soul came from a good person would stop to Elysium.
He is described as looking terrible, hard and dark features, with a thick beard and usually topped with a magic helmet made of animal skin, a gift from the Cyclopes, who had the power to confer invisibility. Often, you can also do with a black rod and accompanied on his throne of ebony, with four horses the color of night and the dreaded dog Cerberus, the watchdog of the three heads.

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