The molybdenum is a chemical element of atomic number 42.
The molybdenum is an essential metal from the biological point of view and is in use especially in alloyed steels.
It is a silver metal, has the highest sixth point of merger of any element. The molybdenum is not obtained as the free metal in the nature, but in several conditions of oxidation in the minerals. The compounds of molybdenum use in applications of high pressure and high temperature, as pigments and catalysts.
The molybdenum is not free in the nature and the compounds that they can find were confused with other compounds of other elements (carbon or lead) up to the 18th century. In 1778 Carl Wilhelm Scheele made react the mineral molibdenita (MoS2) with nitric acid obtaining a compound with acid properties to which it called " acidum molibdenae " (the word molybdenum comes from the Greek "molybdos" that wants to say " as the lead ", since it was confused with this element). In 1782 Hjelm it isolated the impure metal by means of the reduction of the previous compound with carbon. The molybdenum was used very little, and only inside the laboratory, until ends of the 19th century, when a company used it as agent aleante and observed the good properties of these alloys with molybdenum.

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