Parts of body in Latin

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The Latin word “caput, capitis”, which in Spanish means “cabeza”, has as derived words in Spanish as “capital” and “cabo”. The English term means head and from the Latin in English as: capital and cape.

The Latin word “capillus”, which in Spanish means “cabello”, has as derived words in Spanish as “capilar” and “cabellera” .The English term means hair and from the Latin in English as hair and capillary.

The Latin word “facies”, which in Spanish means “cara”, has as derived words in Spanish as “facial” and “facies”. The English term means face and from the Latin in English as facial and facies.

The Latin word “frons, frontis”, which in Spanish means “frente”, has as derived words in Spanish as “frontal” and “frontispicio”. The English term means forehead and from the latin in English as frontal and frontispiece.

The latin word “oculus”, which in Spanish means “ojo”, has as derived words in Spanish as “ocular” and “oculista”. The English term means eye and form the Latin in English as oculist and ocular.

The latin word “auricular”, which in Spanish means “oreja”, has as derived words in Spanish as “auricular” and “auricula”. The English term means ear and from the Latin in English as auriculate and auricle.

The latin word “nasus”, which in Spanish means “nariz”, has as derived words in Spanish as “nasalidad” and “nasal”. The English term means nose and from the Latin English as nasally and nasalize.

The latin word “os, oris” which in Spanish means “boca”, has as derived words in Spanish as “oral” y “oralidad”. The English term means mouth and from the Latin English as oral y orally.

The latin word “lingua” which in Spanish means “lengua”, has as derived words in Spanish as “lingüistico” and “lenguaje”. The English term means tongue and from the Latin English as lingual and lingua.

The latin word “dens, dentis” which in Spanish means “diente”, has as derived words in Spanish as “dentario” and “dentista”. The English term means tooth and from the Latin English as dental y dentist.

The latin word “mentum” which in Spanish means “mentón”, has as derived words in Spanish as “mentolado” y “mentón”. The English term means menton and from the Latin English as menthol and mentholated.

The latin word “collum” which in Spanish means “cuello”, has as derived words in Spanish as “collar” and “degollar”. The English term means neck.


The latin word “os,ossis” which in Spanish means “hueso”, has as derived words in Spanish “osteoporosis” and “osteopatía”. The English term means bone and from the Latin English as osteoporosis and osteopathy.

The latin word “brachium” which in Spanish means “brazo”, has as derived words in Spanish “antebrazo” and “brazada”. The English term means arm and from the Latin English as bracelet and embrace.

The latin word “umerus” which in Spanish means “hombro”, has as derived words in Spanish “hombrera” and “húmero”. The English term means shoulder.

The latin word “cubitos” wich in Spanish means “codo”, has as derived words in Spanish “cúbito” and “cubital”. The English term means elbow.

The latin word “manus” which in Spanish means “mano”, has as derived words in Spanish “manejar” and “manufractura”. The English term means hand and from the Latin English as manually and manufacture.

The latin word “digitus” which in Spanish means “dedo”, has as derived words in Spanish “digital” and “digitalizar”. The English term means finger and from the Latin English as digital and to digite.

The latin word “unguis” which in Spanish means uña, has as derived words in Spanish “ungulado”. The English term means nail and from the Latin English as ungiculate and ungula.

The latin word “crus, cruris” which in Spanish means “pierna”, has as derived words in Spanish “crural”. The English term means leg.

The latin word “femur,femoris” which in Spanish means “muslo”, has as derived words in Spanish “femoral” and “femur”. The English term means thigh and from the Latin English as femur and femoral.

The latin word “genu” which in Spanish means “rodilla”, has as derived words in Spanish “genuflexion”. The English term means knee.

The latin word “pes,pedis” which in Spanish means “pie”, has as derived words in Spanish “pedestre” and “bipedo”. The English term means foot.

The latin word “calx,calcis” which in Spanish means “talon”, has as derived words in Spanish “calzado” and “calcetín”. The English term means heel.


The latin word “pectus,pectoris” which in Spanish means “pecho”, has as derived words in Spanish “pectoral” and “pechuga”. The English term means chest and from the Latin English as pectoral.

The latin word “latus,lateris” which in Spanish means “lado”, has as derived words in Spanish “lateral” and “laterdidal”. The English term means side and from the Latin English as laterally and lateral.

The latin word “tergum” which in Spanish means “espalda”. The English term means back.

The latin word “umbilicus” which in Spanish means “ombligo”, has as derived words in Spanish “umbilical”. The English term means navel and from the Latin English as umbilical and umbilicate.

The latin word “cor,cordis” which in Spanish means “corazón”, has as derived words in Spanish “corazonada” and “cordial”. The English term means heart.

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