Andromeda English


In Greek mythology Andromeda (Ancient Greek Ἀνδρομέδα, 'ruler of men ") was the daughter of Cepheus and Cassiopeia, king of Etiopía.Casiopea, having presumed to be as beautiful as the Nereids, provoked the anger of Poseidon, who sent a
flooding on the land and a sea monster, Ceto,
to kill men and cattle. Knowing from the oracle of Amun could not find a solution to marry his daughter Andromeda to the monster, King Cepheus left chained to a rock, naked with jewelry. Perseus, flying by his winged sandals, a gift from the naiads, back after killing Medusa saw Andromeda and fell in love with her. He went down to the beach to talk to Cepheus and Cassiopeia to asking them to marry him with Cassiopeia if he killed the monster . The parents accepted. Perseus fought the sea monster, killed him and used Medusa's head to petrify the animal and turn it into coral. After that, he untied her and they were happy. But Cassiopeia refused because he had promised her hand to Prince Agenor. Perseus fought against him and his entourage and after killing many men, he used Medusa's head and froze the remaining. Andromeda married Perseus happily.


The Andromeda Galaxy, also known as Messier Object 31 Messier 31 or NGC 224, is a giant spiral galaxy. Is the object visible to the naked eye farthest from Earth. It is 2.5 million light years away in the constellation Andromeda. It is the largest and brightest of the galaxies in the Local Group, which consists of about 30 small galaxies plus three large spiral galaxies: Andromeda, the Milky Way and the Triangulum Galaxy. It has an estimated mass of between 300,000 and 400,000 million solar masses: about one and half times the mass of the Milky Way, and is twice as bright as this.

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