planet of the Solar System in which there is water in liquid state and life is known. It has the only satellite, called the Moon.
The legend of Gea
Later it joins with Uranus and gives birth to six titans. Also it had at six o'clock titánides: between them the mother of the hero Achilles. Later there were born the cyclops (giant monsters with an alone eye), divinities related to the beam and the thunder. Finally the Hecatoncheirons were born, beings of hundred arms, gigantic and violent.
Uranus hate

Later to this mutilation, Gea joined with Ponto (masculine personification of the sea) wherefrom the marine divinities were born. While, Stopwatches he was reigning in the world and a terrible tyrant had turned, since it had enclosed his brothers in the Tartar one, for what Gea planned a new revenge. The children of Rea and Stopwatches had been devoured by his father, but when she was embarrassed of Zeus, he asked for help. Gea and Uranus revealed the secret of the Destinations and taught him like to joke to Stopwatches.
When the child is born, Gea hides it in a cavern, at the same time as to Stopwatches there was delivered him a stone wrapped in mantillas, to which it devoured without noticing the difference.
When Zeus was major, it fought openly against Stopwatches and Gea made him know that he would need the help of the Titans. These on having been liberated by Zeus of the Tartar one, gave to him the beam, the thunder and the lightning, you arm with that it overthrew his father.
Pero Gea was still discontented for the luck of the Hecatónquiros, which they had been defeated, for what it joins with Tartar (god of the abysses) and it generated to Typhoon, In addition another monster was born of this union, Equidna.
The majority of the theogonies attribute to Gea the maternity of diverse monsters as Caribdis, the Harpies, Python, the dragoon guardian of the golden fleece, and even the Reputation.
With the time, Gea turned into the universal, and similar mother the Hellenic world it was personifying his gods, the land was personified in divinities like Démeter or Cibeles, and the land like element was leaving the mythology.
Gea was considered to be in addition, like inspiring of many oracles, was possessing the secrets of the Destinations, and his predictions were more ancient and sure than those of the same Apollo.